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Equipe de apoio da Fundação Margot

artigo atualizado em 25 de julho de 20242 minutos de leitura

Causes We Support

Equipe de apoio da Fundação Margot

Did you know that over 37,000 people worldwide need a bone marrow transplant? But first, they must find a matching donor – someone with the same tissue type.

Team Margot Foundationwants to encourage people worldwide to register as potential bone narrow / stem cell donors. Their aim is to facilitate this process and make it as quick as possible to save the lives of all those people who need this desperately. With more and more people joining worldwide, more patients are likely to find a matching donor! To find out how quick and easy it is to register, please clickhere.

As a European brand, Famous Hostels couldn’t just be aware of this cause and not get involved! Present in 23 countries, Famous Hostels is a great way to involve people from all over Europe and create awareness for this specific cause.

You can find in our Reception Area Team Margot’s merchandising to purchase while donating some money for the cause – ask our staff members for wristbands or postcards of Team Margot’s.

So, what are you waiting for? There are currently almost 80 stem cell registries in over 50 countries. Clickhereto find out how you can join the bone marrow/ stem cell register in your home country.

Join Team Margot Foundation and help spread the word to save more lives! For more info about the Foundation and for further details, please clickhere.


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