Estate in parapendio

Estate in parapendio

Godetevi l'incredibile vista sulle montagne e la sensazionale sensazione di volare alto sopra la regione di Jungfrau.

a partire da 180 CHF

* Make sure to check Parapendio invernale if you are visiting Interlaken during the cold months

Fly like a bird through the majestic mountains of the Swiss Alps. After just a few steps, you and your expert pilot will be airborne, gently gliding away from the hillside takeoff and soaring high above Interlaken. After a breathtaking 20-minute flight, touch down gently in the middle of Interlaken. Paragliding is an amazing experience for both young and old.

Our driver takes you and the pilot up the mountain with our Paragliding-Interlaken van. During the 20-minute drive you will receive the “safety-talk” and a briefing on the take-off and landing process. After being dropped off, walk 3 minutes to the take-off site while enjoying the majestic view over the Interlaken region and Jungfrau mountain.

Catturare la memoria!
Picture & video service: see your experience on the ipad of your pilot and to your liking, receive the USB stick at the end of your flight.

Foto: CHF 32.- / Photo & Video: CHF 40.-

  • IMPORTANT From November 1st to March 31th, you should book on paragliding Winter
  • TRIP DETAILS Free pick up from hostel/hotel or the train station, Tandem paragliding flight from Beatenberg to Interlaken. Professional paragliding pilot plus all necessary equipment for a safe and fun trip
  • Weight limitations 100kg / 220lbs
  • Età minima 6 years with parents' consent
  • Groups più di 10 persone è necessario pagarla meno = [email protected]
  • Trip duration 75 minuti
Immagine del Balmers Hostel a Interlaken, Svizzera
Le migliori attività a Interlaken, Svizzera

Paragliding Summer Experience

Esci dalla tua zona di comfort e tuffati in avventure indimenticabili.

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