Una squadra, un'ora, fuga... se potete!

a partire da CHF 30

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Escape room
Una squadra, un'ora, fuga... se potete!
Si sono bloccati in una stanza misteriosa con la tua squadra... Sei abbastanza intelligente per uscire in tempo?
Godetevi l'esperienza di essere nel gioco anziché solo riprodurlo.
MysteryRooms is a great team-game. You can play it with your family, friends or colleaques for teambuilding, bachelor-parties or just for fun. You can also just play as a couple on a date, but we recommend 3-4 players, because the challenges are tough. But no worries….we will give you some hints if you get stuck.
MysteryRooms è la versione di vita reale della categoria del popolare computer avventura gioco "gioco di fuga".
We brought this concept from the computer screen into reality. The searching, the puzzle solving and the excitement remain, but the experience becomes touchable and the place is real. You are not just playing a game … you are IN the game!
The best activity on a bad weather day in Interlaken….and not the worst on a good weather day!
Enjoy a unique experience….for all ….Da Vinci Code & Agatha Christie Fans, Gamer & Geocacher, Families and Teams…and all other mystery-lovers from 9-99 y.
Per posta le prenotazioni direttamente sul [email protected]
  • 2-3 players CHF 39 p.P.
  • 4-6 players CHF 33 p.P.
  • 3-6 p. families, students CHF 30 p.P.
  • 7-12 players CHF 30 p.P.
Immagine del Balmers Hostel a Interlaken, Svizzera
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