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Descubra la fiesta de la cebolla en Berna

artículo actualizado el 25 de julio de 20241 minuto de lectura

The Onion Market

Have you ever heard about an onion festival?!
Neither did I, but in Switzerland, this traditional folk festival is held every year on the fourth Monday of November.

It's all about onions

For this event, the whole town of Bern practically closes down, and people take to the streets.

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At 5 am the market opens and farmers from all over the area come with their onions and garlic nicely breaded and funny onions' sculptures.

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You will be able to taste a lot of delicious onion food such as onion pie, onion soup, and much more. Accompanied by mulled wine, it is the best winter food to warm you up.

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Save the date for next year (November 27th), so you will not miss it!!

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Cómo llegar allá ? From Balmers Hostel, you are only a few minutes away from the train station where you can take a direct train to Bern.

Happy onion Festival !
– Con cariño, Balmers –

¿Qué están esperando...Reserve una impresionante puerta de entrada a los Alpes suizos

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